Maintenance Platform
Operating at an orbit of roughly 420km, the maintenance platform can repair, maintain, and upgrade satellites and craft in LEO.
Kalpana One 2018 Version
An update to the 2012 design of the Kalpana One space settlement
Kalpana One
A design based on a collaboration with the authors of this paper, these images represent my version of what it could look like to live within this 500m diameter cylinder.
Kalpana One tour
With a radius of 250m and a depth of 325m, Kalpana One would spin at a rate of 2 revolutions per minute to give the feeling of one earth gravity on the level where everyone will live. This means that people could live long and healthy lives while their bones and muscles would develop as they would on earth. This example layout of the settlement shows all of the luxuries and recreation of a small town.
Kalpana exterior-hi
Kalpana One interior Cam 42
With a radius of 250m and a depth of 325m, it can spin at a rate of 2 revolutions per minute to give the feeling of one earth gravity on the level where everyone will live. This means that people could live long and healthy lives while their bones and muscles would develop as they would on earth. This example layout of the settlement shows all of the luxuries and recreation of a small town.
Variable Gravity Habitat
This is a design that can be built up gradually and utilizes levels at many different radius levels effectively giving the occupants, multiple levels of gravity.
Variable Gravity Station Concept - Phases
Hammer Station
The Hammer Station was a design intended to serve as a rotating research station enabling an extended stay by the occupants.
Hammer Research Station flyby
The Hammer Station was a design intended to serve as a rotating research station enabling an extended stay by the occupants.
Hammer Research Station closeup
Rotating structure to simulate gravity
Kalpana Two
A collaboration with a redefined size. This rotating station has a length of 110m and a diameter of 125m.